Noosa Business Case Study - Sun Motel - in the news

7NEWS Sunshine Coast - Noosa businesses save thousands when switching to solar electricity

Here’s a transcript of 7 NEWS Sunshine Coast reporter Danielle DePinto story about the Sun Motel case study. The full case study is available here.

Danielle DePinto 7 News:  On a sunny day in paradise. It's not hard to see why Noosa's Sun Motel's manager, Darren Keenan made the switch to solar.

Darren Keenan - Sun Motel: To do with the motel. You've obviously got, we've got 15 rooms here. So TVs, fridges, item, hot water systems, items that are running constantly.

Danielle DePinto 7 News: Five years later, the motel is saving almost 50% off its power bills and has already paid off the initial investment costs.

Darren Keenan - Sun Motel: I was expecting about a three and a half to four year pay off. It actually worked out to be a lot earlier than that.

Danielle DePinto 7 News: This is one of 10 local case studies Zero Emissions Noosa reviewed that have made the switch to solar. It captured a snapshot of the financial and environmental benefits.

Anne Kennedy - ZEN: Some of them have done away with their electricity bills altogether.

It depends on their business needs, the size of the system and the location of the solar system as to how much savings they can make.

Danielle DePinto 7 News: It's hoped the review will encourage more people to switch to solar. To help nurses bid to achieve zero net community greenhouse gas emissions by 2026.  Danielle DePinto, Seven News.